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Government Of Assam General Administration Directorate of Sainik Welfare


Notification 1419.73 KBswf-image
Notification 2423.57 KBswf-image
Notifivation 3243.3 KBswf-image
Govt. Notification for Re-designation of the Directorate of Sainik Welfare Assam891.71 KBswf-image
Govt. Notification for 2% Reservation of Posts fro Class-III & IV Posts in the State Services for Ex-Servicemen 980.79 KBswf-image
Govt. Letter on Establishment on Grievances Redressal Mechanism in the District353.33 KBswf-image
Benefits from Central Govt to the NOKs of battle casualties (fatal)280.76 KBswf-image
Govt Office Memorandum on grant of Ex-Gratia Grants970.11 KBswf-image
Policy on Grant of Dual Family Pension from Military as well as civil employment issued by Ministry of Defence, Govt of India507.55 KBswf-image